Teaching and Learning Competencies


The purpose of the teaching and learning competencies (TLC) is to establish a framework that promotes excellence in teaching and learning and fosters student learning and success at Maricopa Community Colleges. It serves as a roadmap for faculty members, helping them navigate the complex and ever-evolving landscape of higher education.

Teaching and learning competencies encompass a wide range of skills, ranging from subject matter expertise to pedagogical proficiency, technological literacy, and inclusion and diversity. In addition to guiding faculty members in their professional journeys, the TLCs serve as a foundation for faculty development programs, enabling Colleges and the District Office to design targeted professional development opportunities that enhance and expand faculty members' capabilities.

Moreover, the TLCs promote a culture of continuous improvement within MCCCD. It encourages faculty members to engage in ongoing self-reflection and professional growth, fostering a dynamic environment where teaching practices evolve and innovation thrives. By establishing performance indicators, the competencies ensure that faculty members are equipped to meet the needs of diverse learners and adapt to emerging trends and challenges in higher education.

As you navigate through the teaching and learning competencies, you will find an overview of the competency, along with performance indicators for each area. It is important to note that these competencies are not static or prescriptive but are intended to be adaptable and responsive to the unique contexts of individual Departments/Divisions/Programs.

We encourage Departments/Divisions/Programs to utilize this framework as a resource to promote professional growth, improve teaching and learning outcomes, and enhance the overall quality of education. Embracing these competencies will empower faculty members to make a lasting impact on their students' lives, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and shape the future of education.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence in higher education, and we hope that the teaching and learning competencies will serve as a valuable tool in your professional journey.


The course design competency is an essential skill for educators who strive to create meaningful and impactful learning experiences. With this competency, faculty possess the ability to craft well-structured, engaging, and relevant courses that meet the needs of diverse learners. By carefully designing the curriculum, learning objectives, and assessments, faculty will guide students through a cohesive and purposeful educational journey. Effective course design takes into account various instructional strategies, resources, and assessments that align with the desired outcomes. It involves considering the learners' prior knowledge, interests, and individual learning preferences to ensure maximum engagement and comprehension. As an educator with course design competency, faculty have the power to inspire, challenge, and motivate students, fostering a love for learning and enabling them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for their future endeavors.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • ensure instructional strategies, assessments, and learning activities are in alignment with objectives.
  • utilize design principles and processes to develop and refine courses.
  • sequence course content to ensure logical, cohesive, and purposeful progression and scaffolded learning experiences.
  • develop a well-structured course that is easy for students to navigate.
  • select and develop instructional materials that are relevant, current, and engaging.
  • incorporate active learning strategies that promote student engagement and participation.
  • design courses that are accessible and inclusive for all students by considering diverse learning needs, and providing multiple pathways for students to engage with the material, such as visual, auditory (e.g., audio, captions, or audio/video transcripts), and kinesthetic approaches, and accommodating students with disabilities.

The assessment strategy competency is a vital skill for educators seeking to accurately measure student learning and provide meaningful feedback. With this competency, faculty possess the ability to design and implement effective assessment methods that align with learning objectives and promote student growth. By utilizing a variety of assessment tools, such as formative assessments, summative assessments, and performance-based tasks, faculty will gather valuable insights into students' knowledge, skills, and progress. Furthermore, faculty will create opportunities for self-reflection, peer collaboration, and targeted instruction based on assessment results. A strong assessment strategy allows faculty to gauge student understanding, identify areas for improvement, and tailor instruction to meet individual needs. By mastering the assessment strategy competency, faculty empower students to take ownership of their learning, cultivate a growth mindset, and strive for continuous improvement. Ultimately, this competency plays a pivotal role in shaping students' academic success and fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • implement a variety of assessment measures and techniques (formative and summative) to form a complete picture of learning.
  • align assessment measures with objectives and outcomes.
  • incorporate a variety of assessment methods, including projects, portfolios, presentations, and other forms of assessment that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in different ways.
  • design activities that aid learners in self-assessing their learning.
  • provide transparent assessment criteria (e.g. rubrics).
  • provide timely and constructive feedback on activities and assessments helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • evaluate and revise (where necessary) assessments and grading practices.

Faculty will implement diverse teaching and learning methods/strategies that promote active learning and foster the acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and understanding. By placing the learner at the center of the educational experience, these methodologies promote active engagement, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. As an educator, mastering learner-centered teaching approaches empowers faculty to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where students can thrive, discover their unique strengths, and develop a genuine passion for knowledge acquisition. This competency opens doors to fostering collaboration, embracing diversity, and tailoring instructional strategies to meet individual needs, ultimately shaping students into empowered and self-directed learners. With learner-centered teaching methodologies, faculty have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of their students, equipping them with the skills and mindset necessary for success in the ever-evolving world.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • encourage group work, discussions, and peer-to-peer interactions to foster active participation and knowledge sharing among students.
  • engaging students in decision-making processes, such as selecting learning activities or setting goals.
  • encourage learners to challenge ideas and sources.
  • use cooperative/collaborative learning strategies.
  • incorporate real-life examples and applications, helping students understand the relevance and practicality of what they are learning.
  • invite learners’ input on their educational experience.
  • encourage students to reflect on their learning processes, set goals, and develop metacognitive skills to become self-directed learners.

Faculty will design learning opportunities acknowledging and enriching learners’ diversity. Diversity is multifaceted and includes age, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socio-economic background, religion, skill level, cognitive style, disability, etc. Inclusion and diversity practices are fundamental to fostering equitable and enriching educational environments. Faculty cultivate a culture of inclusivity that values and celebrates the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of our students. By mastering competencies in inclusive teaching, faculty will create a supportive atmosphere where all individuals feel respected, heard, and valued. Embracing diversity not only enhances the educational experience for every student but also prepares them for a globalized and interconnected world. By fostering an inclusive learning environment, faculty will empower their students to thrive academically, develop empathy and cultural competence, and become catalysts for positive change in their communities and beyond.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • implement learning experiences that address learners’ unique strengths and/or needs and accommodate different learning preferences and abilities.
  • diversify the curriculum to increase the presence of historically underrepresented groups.
  • create a learning environment with respect, understanding, and appreciation of individual and group differences.
  • use diverse perspectives to engage and deepen critical thinking.
  • encourage learners to identify and question their assumptions and consider how these affect, limit, and/or shape their viewpoints.
  • integrate diverse voices, perspectives, and examples in your teaching materials and discussions.
  • showcase the contributions of individuals from different backgrounds and cultures, and encourage students to share their own experiences and perspectives.

A commitment to equity in teaching and learning is not only a moral imperative but also a crucial aspect of creating inclusive and empowering educational environments. As educators, we have a responsibility to ensure that every student, regardless of their background, experiences equitable opportunities to thrive and succeed. By mastering competencies in equity-focused teaching, faculty strive to eliminate disparities, dismantle barriers, and foster a sense of belonging for all learners. This commitment involves recognizing and addressing systemic inequities, creating culturally responsive curricula, providing differentiated instruction, and promoting inclusive pedagogical practices. By actively seeking diverse perspectives, valuing students' identities and experiences, and fostering equitable learning experiences, faculty empower their students to reach their full potential. Through a dedication to equity, faculty contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable society, where every learner has an equal chance to excel and make meaningful contributions.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • recognize and address implicit biases by being aware of their own biases and working to mitigate them.
  • emphasize the importance of diversity and challenge stereotypes in your teaching materials and discussions.
  • create culturally responsive curricula to reflect the cultural diversity of the learners.
  • ensure that all students have equitable access to learning materials, technology, and resources necessary for their success.
  • offer flexibility in assignments and assessments to allow for different learning needs.
  • identify and implement strategies to support underrepresented students.
  • engage in discussions, workshops, or initiatives that promote equity and social justice.
  • collaborate with colleagues to address institutional policies and practices that may perpetuate inequities.

Holistic approaches to teaching and learning are essential for nurturing the overall development and well-being of our students. Faculty need to recognize and address the diverse needs, strengths, and aspirations of each learner. By mastering competencies in holistic teaching, faculty will create an inclusive and supportive educational environment that considers the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects of their students' growth. By integrating various instructional strategies, fostering meaningful connections, promoting critical thinking, and providing opportunities for reflection and self-assessment, faculty will empower their students to become lifelong learners, confident problem solvers, and engaged members of society. Embracing holistic approaches not only enhances academic achievement but also promotes personal and interpersonal growth, empowering students to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • encourage collaboration, empathy, and open dialogue among students to promote a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.
  • design activities and assignments that encourage students to think critically, analyze information, and apply their knowledge to new situations.
  • encourage self-reflection and metacognitive skills, helping students develop a deeper understanding of their learning processes.
  • connect various disciplines and promote interdisciplinary learning by highlighting the interconnectedness of different subjects.
  • promote self-directed learning and provide resources for students to explore topics of personal interest to encourage students to see learning as a continuous process beyond the classroom.

Faculty will manage their online and face-to-face classrooms effectively and maintain a safe and respectful learning environment. Classroom management strategies are a fundamental competency for every effective educator. They are the bedrock that establishes a supportive and productive learning environment. By mastering classroom management strategies, faculty gain the ability to create a safe, respectful, and engaging space where students can focus, participate, and thrive academically and socially. With well-implemented strategies, faculty will effectively manage student behavior, maintain a positive atmosphere, and maximize instructional time. By establishing clear expectations, employing proactive techniques, and utilizing effective communication skills, faculty will foster a sense of community, encourage active participation, and cultivate a love for learning. Developing expertise in classroom management strategies is key to ensuring a conducive and inclusive learning environment, empowering both faculty and their students to reach their full potential. 

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • clearly communicate classroom rules, guidelines, and expectations to students at the beginning of the course.
  • create a welcoming environment where students feel comfortable participating and sharing ideas.
  • use interactive teaching methods, such as group work, discussions, and hands-on activities, to promote active learning and student engagement.
  • clearly articulate objectives, instructions, and explanations.
  • create a well-structured schedule and stick to it (e.g. realistic timelines for activities, assignments, assessments, due dates, etc.).
  • encourage improvement and promote a growth mindset by providing timely and constructive feedback on assignments, assessments, and class participation.
  • refine teaching methods, materials, or assessments to accommodate different learners and to create an inclusive learning environment.

Technological literacy practices encompass a broad range of competencies that are increasingly vital in today's digital age. As faculty and students navigate a world driven by technology, it is essential to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to engage with and understand the tools and systems shaping their lives. As educators, our role extends beyond teaching subject matter; faculty must equip their students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a technology-driven world. From basic digital literacy to critical thinking and ethical considerations, technological literacy empowers faculty and students to be active participants, informed consumers, and responsible contributors in our interconnected society. By mastering technological literacy competencies, faculty become better equipped to engage students, facilitate meaningful learning experiences, and prepare students for the digital challenges they will face. Through a commitment to ongoing learning, exploration, and adaptation, faculty will empower their students to become active participants in the digital landscape and ensure their success in an increasingly technology-centric society.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • utilize digital tools, online platforms, and educational software to enhance instructional methods.
  • effectively use online discussion forums, and other digital communication tools to encourage students to use these tools for collaborative projects or class discussions.
  • educate students about responsible and ethical technology use, including discussing digital privacy, online safety, the use of artificial intelligence for assignments, and intellectual property rights.
  • utilize appropriate educational technologies to enhance course delivery and student engagement, including the use of learning management systems (i.e., Canvas or RioLearn) for course materials and communication, and integrating online discussions or collaboration tools.

As educators, we have a responsibility to continually enhance our knowledge, skills, and teaching methodologies to provide the best possible educational experiences for our students. By mastering competencies in commitment to learning, faculty demonstrate a dedication to personal and professional growth, adaptability, and staying abreast of advancements in their fields. This commitment allows faculty to engage with new perspectives, explore emerging trends, and continually refine their pedagogical practices. By embracing a commitment to learning, faculty model the importance of curiosity, intellectual development, and self-improvement to their students, inspiring them to become lifelong learners themselves. Through their ongoing learning journeys, faculty will create dynamic and transformative educational environments that prepare students for success in an ever-evolving world.

Performance indicators

Faculty will:

  • stay current in the discipline/academic field.
  • participate in faculty development programs, resources, and classes offered by colleges, the District, and external organizations (e.g., conferences).
  • engage in academic discourse with peers, divisions, campus/college work, and district-wide initiatives.
  • engage and collaborate with peers within and outside of the discipline/academic field.
  • engage in professional development opportunities and training that promote inclusive teaching practices.
  • participate in interdisciplinary or campus-wide initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion.
  • engage in ongoing reflection and evaluation of course design by seeking student feedback and making necessary revisions to improve the effectiveness of the course.

Upcoming Faculty Development Opportunities