Maricopa Institute for Learning Research Fellowship


The Maricopa Institute for Learning Research Fellowship (MILRF) provides up to six (6) residential faculty with an opportunity to investigate significant issues about teaching and learning in their fields.  The program is designed to create a community of scholars and provide participants with the time, resources, and environment to conduct research on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).  Participants are expected to:

  • design and complete an individual research project focused directly on the student experience during the year-long fellowship;
  • engage in scholarly dialogue about teaching and learning with other Fellows and colleagues; and
  • contribute to the field by disseminating findings at relevant professional conferences, publishing in a scholarly journal, and participating in an MCLI podcast/webinar.

Project Outcomes

All projects should be documentable. This means that the investigation that takes place during the year should result in a tangible product that can be shared and made available to others. Projects must be relevant, extend the scholarship of teaching and learning in a discipline, and have implications beyond the individual classroom.


Support for the Maricopa Institute for Learning Research Fellowship is provided through the Maricopa Center for Learning and Innovation (MCLI).  Fellows receive:

  • reassigned time for a maximum of three (3) hours for the fall semester and six (6) hours for the spring semester (funded by the MCLI). These hours must be taken as reassigned time from teaching to allow time to truly work, reflect, and think about the respective projects.
  • stipends for attending the MILRF summer seminars and completing project work during the summer (i.e., IRB/project planning, and writing the final manuscript).
  • funds for travel.
  • resources (books, articles, web resources, project consultation, meeting space, etc.).


If selected as a Research Fellow, you will be asked to fulfill the following required activities:

  • Participation in the MILRF is from May 2025 to August 2026 
  • Attendance in all workshops and seminars, including the orientation meeting (dates to be determined) 
  • Meeting project milestones on time (i.e., IRB submission, literature review, and data collection).
  • Attendance at SoTL Conference funded by the fellowship program. 
  • Attendance in group meetings scheduled on one Friday afternoon per month, and attendance in individual meetings (scheduled with faculty program coordinator) 
  • Submit a manuscript for publication to a wider audience 

Learn more about the program and how to submit an application

Previous cohorts

Additional Resources

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Guide: Dr. Nancy Chick provides an overview and explains the process of engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Chick, N. (n.d.) The SoTL Guide. Retrieved from: