District Artificial Intelligence Task Force


Dialogue about new developments with artificial intelligence, their impact on higher education, and Maricopa’s response.

  • Pros and cons of AI in higher education
  • Concerns with its use by students, faculty, others
  • Opportunities for leveraging AI in higher education
  • Academic policies around AI for Maricopa
  • Guidance on District and individual classroom policies
  • Tools for detecting AI
  • Catalog of tools available at Maricopa and how they can be leveraged
  • Training and awareness of uses and applications of tools


  • There could be an interdependency with ITS due to possible technology needs to address opportunities and concerns.
  • If a policy is needed, will need to engage with DO team members responsible for administrative regulations and student policy/handbooks.
  • This task force is not charged with the development or modification of any AI curriculum or programs.


Recommendation for further steps 



  • Bettina Celis (Provost Office)
  • Lisa Marsio (FEC)

Task Force Tri Chairs

  • Patty Finkenstadt
  • Lisa Young
  • Matt Jolly

Task Force Representatives

  • Jim Curtin, Legal
  • Tom Pearson, Workforce Dean
  • Jennifer Strickland, CTL 
  • Anne Suzuki, VPSA 
  • Stephanie Polliard, VPAA
  • Steven Crawford, MCLI
  • Julie Stiak, District Workforce Education
  • Serene Rock, Librarian

Proposed Project Phases / Timeline

Phase 1

  • March 2023 - hold discussions to norm the knowledge of the group
  • April 2023 - identify future needs regarding AI for Maricopa; develop recommendations and plan for next steps
  • May 2023 and beyond - implement plan

Phase 2

  • AY 2023-2024 - Create and Seat  Subcommittees
    • AI Detection Tools
      • Purpose
        The purpose of this subcommittee is to explore the usage of AI detection tools in instruction. The group should determine guidelines for usage and/or recommendations for possible tools and practices.
      • Deliverables
        Topic paper on what AI Detection tools can do, guidelines for usage, best practices for using tools, identification of other AI detection tools that are currently available, and possible recommendations about potential best tools for MCCCD.
    • Policies/Common Pages
      • Purpose
        In consultation with the appropriate Senior Council, review current administrative regulations/common pages to identify if they should be revised to provide consistent guidelines for AI usage district-wide and if necessary, make recommendations for updated language to a Senior Council for championing it through the Common Pages process.
    • Uses of AI in Non-Instructional Work
      • Purpose
        Determine where or when it is appropriate to use AI in non-instructional work and identify areas where it may be inappropriate. Develop use cases, best practices, and recommend standards for documenting the use of AI in non-instructional work.
      • Deliverables
        Topic paper detailing appropriate and inappropriate uses of AI in non-instructional work including the development of use cases, best practices, and recommendation of standards for documenting the use of AI in our non-instructional work.
    • Communications/Website
      • Purpose
        Develop a Communications Plan that includes ways to communicate information about AI activities, professional development, policies, etc across the district and possibly to K-12 or University partners, including the development of a website. 
      • Deliverables
        • Communications Plan
        • Recommendations on website structure and content 
    • Professional Development
      • Purpose
        Determine what professional development opportunities are currently available internally in the District and what may be available by external entities (free or paid).  What additional professional development may be necessary and determine if the coordination of efforts would be valuable for the district.
      • Deliverables
        Develop an inventory of existing professional development in AI across the district for faculty and staff. Make recommendations on an approach for support and possible coordination of efforts.

For more information

If you have questions about these resources, please email the District Artificial Intelligence Task Force.